The Transformative Power of AI in the Workplace
🎙️ Welcome to this episode of the Disambiguation Podcast, “The Transformative Power of AI in the Workplace”.
🌟 Our special guest Dr. Marie-Helene Pelletier (MH), author of The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health.
🔍 In this episode, we discuss:
-How managers can balance productivity gains from AI with maintaining human engagement and psychological safety in the workplace.
-What practical steps business leaders should take to adopt AI without increasing workforce stress while gaining the adoption they need to be successful.
-How businesses can maintain the level of human engagement while integrating AI.
-How managers / leaders can help employees deal with this perception and navigate job and career changes.
-The best strategies for addressing the disconnect between executives and employees concerning AI adoption.
-Strategies that managers can use to address AI as both an opportunity and a challenge.
-Advice to employees who are anxious about the increasing presence of AI in their jobs.
-How you build a resilience plan and the impact it can have on performance and mental health.
👍MH Recommends: The AI Savvy Leader by David De Cremer.
📕Free resources from MH’s book, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health.