Personality AI: Understanding Your Buyer #BuyerFirst
🎙️ Welcome to this episode of the Disambiguation Podcast, “Personality AI: Understanding Your Buyer #Buyerfirst”.
🌟 Our special guest Neeraj Singh, Head of Revenue, Humantic AI.
🔍 In this episode, we discuss:
-The difference between the traditional sales intelligence and buyer intelligence, and why buyer intelligence is so important to a modern sales strategy.
-How personality AI helps companies understand buyer behavior.
-The DISC personality profile and how it can be used in a sales process.
-The other ways companies can use DISC and personality AI
-How a sales team should approach the need for a complete customer data profile
-How companies can protect privacy and ensure data is secure.
-The future of sales tech over the next 3-5 years
👍 Neeraj Recommends: The Sales innovation Paradox by Howard Dover and Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.